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13% of Penn Wharton founders are women and they raise 6% of the venture capital.


Our goal is that 20+% of Penn Wharton founders are women and they raise 20+% of the venture capital.


Women-led businesses have been largely overlooked by the investment community.


of US Venture Capital Invested in Women-led Startups


of capital going to women Penn Wharton founders despite the fact that they represent 13%

We believe in a powerful Wharton network that lifts women up and helps them succeed.
We believe in a world where any Wharton woman can start, grow and fund a wildly successful business.
We believe in a “yes bias” for Wharton women, where fellow alums take the call, make the intro, and if they say “no,” they explain why.

To our WAFFA Community 

Black Lives Matter. At WAFFA, we’re dedicated to increasing the success of women in entrepreneurship — and support for the black founders and funders is an inextricable part of our mission.

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Female Founders

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